Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Journey to Your Spirit Animal

Many different traditions, from around the world and across time, involve a guide or helper in the form of a spirit animal. This guided visualization is a meditative tool you can use to meet an animal spirit helper and learn from it. Once you have met the spirit animal, you will have a connection with it and can interact with it during everyday meditations without having to go through the guided visualization again. At different times during your life, different animals may appear to help and guide you; you can use this journey more than once, to meet those different spirit helpers.

You can record this meditation and play it back as you relax and do the visualization, or you can have someone read it to you. This journey is my original work, so if you choose to share it with anyone else, please be sure to include proper credit.

Journey to Your Spirit Animal
by Laura Perry

Today you will journey to a place where you can meet your spirit animal and learn its energy and purpose in your life. Once you have reached your spirit animal, spoken with it and learned about it, you may make its energy and purpose part of your life.

Choose a time and place where you will be undisturbed while undertaking this visualization. Loosen any tight clothing and sit or lie down in a comfortable position. A sitting position is the better choice if you tend to fall asleep during meditations.

Let us begin.

Relax your body and feel your weight upon the Earth. Feel your breath and your heartbeat slow as you sink down into the Earth, growing heavier and heavier. You become one with the Earth beneath you.

You see before you in your mind’s eye a great darkness. Look into this darkness. Feel the warmth and closeness of a cave, the security of the womb of the Earth. You are in a dark cave. You can see nothing at all. But you can feel the warm, moist air and smell the deep, rich earth. All sound is muffled by the still air deep in the cave.

As you try to look around you see a pale light far ahead. This is the mouth of the cave. You begin to move toward the cave mouth, toward the light of the outside. You must climb up, out of the depths of the Earth, to get to the cave mouth. It is a long climb. When you reach the opening you look out on a lush countryside, green and alive, with all the things you find beautiful in the outdoors.

Step out of the cave and into the fresh air. Look around you and see the beauty, the energy, the life. Smell the scent of plants and flowers and Earth. Feel the warm sun on your skin, the soil beneath your feet. This is a good place, a safe place, a place full of life.

Explore the countryside around you. Feel its energy, the abundance of moving, living, growing energy. As you explore you hear the sound of a babbling brook. Follow this sound through the land until you find the brook.

It is a small, shallow creek but you know that it is a token of a much greater boundary. It extends in either direction farther than you can see. As you look across the brook you see that on the far bank is the animal whose spirit you have called upon: your spirit animal. It awaits you, ready to answer your questions and lend its energies to your life path.

To reach your spirit animal you must cross the brook. Where your spirit animal stands, the land on the other side of the brook, there is only truth. Any questions you ask will be answered in full truth. Do not cross the creek if you seek other than the deepest truth for your life path. Now it is time to cross the water.

Stand on the bank in front of the creek. It is narrow; you will cross it with three steps. Set one foot into the water on this side of the creek. With this step you leave behind your preconceptions about your spirit animal. Set the other foot in the water on the far side of the stream. With this step you leave behind your preconceptions about your life path. Step out onto the bank on the other side. You have crossed the border from your domain to that of purest truth. Before you is the animal you have called. Before you waits your spirit animal.

You may now speak to your spirit animal. Ask of it anything you wish to know. It will answer fully and in truth. But especially, ask how its energies and purpose pertain to your life path. Begin by asking it why you chose it and why it chose you. When you have done with speaking to your spirit animal, say so and you will continue on your journey.


You are now familiar with your spirit animal’s energies. You know why it calls to you and how it can be a part of your life path. You may now make your spirit animal’s energies and purpose a part of you as well. This is a mating of spirits, a merging of energies. From this mating will be born a new you, a fresh approach to your life’s activities and a renewed sense of purpose on your path. Ask your spirit animal and it will show you how. When you are done, say so and you will continue on your journey.


Feel now the energies within you, merging and emerging. You are your spirit animal. You know the way into this place. Should you ever wish to do so, you can come here again. Now it is time to leave, bringing back with you all that you have learned and all that you have become on this journey. Say your goodbyes to your spirit animal, knowing that you carry its spirit with you now and always. You have a connection now; you can call upon your spirit animal any time without having to make the full journey back here.


Look around you at the beautiful countryside until you find the brook again. Once again you will cross it in three steps, but the steps have new meaning now. Set one foot into the creek on this side. With this step you bring the truth of this place into you and hence into the rest of your life. Set the other foot into the water on the far side. With this step you bring the energies of your spirit animal to your consciousness where you can use them in all your life. Step out onto the bank of the creek, on the side where you began earlier. With this step you bring the realization that you are the only one who truly has the power to direct your life path; you walk your own walk; you choose your own life.

Stroll across the beautiful countryside taking in the sights, sounds, smells, sensations. This beauty is all within you. This much life, vitality, strength, and abundance is within you. You know where it is now and how to reach it. When you are in need of beauty, of great richness of life, seek out this place within you. It is always here.

Now as you move across the landscape you see the mouth of the cave, the opening whence you were born into this place. Enter the cave now, knowing that this is the portal to your inner self, to tranquility, beauty and strength. Through this cave you are reborn to yourself, to your own life.

Feel the warm, secure darkness around you as you move deep into the cave. Feel the energy within you: your new knowledge, the energy of your spirit animal, the spark of life within you. This is who you truly are: what can be seen only with the heart. Look inside you now and see your beauty, your strength, your purpose. You carry these with you now and always. Remember them well.

The air in the cave grows gently and gradually cooler as you move toward the far end, toward the surface of the earth. You feel the weight of your body in the earth. You grow slowly and gently lighter as the earth releases you, as you return to your starting place. Feel your breath and your heartbeat as you center yourself once again in your body.

You have returned from a great journey, a pilgrimage within yourself. Awake, arise and refresh yourself as a traveler might do. But remember that you are only at rest; you have not yet reached your journey’s end. Allow the spirit animal's energy to enter your daily life, that it may help you along the way.

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